Upcoming SAYRA Events

Full Year list CLICK HERE 

SAYRA Race Management



Charlotte Hicks

SAYRA Race Management Chair

Cell: +1 (910) 616-7788 | Email: cshunc@aol.com




SAYRA Race Management Committee

Warren Collier – Georgia (RRO, NJ)

Mark DeGuire – South Carolina (RRO)

Charlotte Hicks - North Carolina (CRO)

JD Rosser – South Carolina (RRO, NJ)

Jerry Thompson – North Carolina (RRO, NJ)

Chip Till – South Carolina (NRO, CJ)



Submit a question to the Race Management Committee!!!



Race Management Presentations


Mark DeGuire

Buoy Zone - Intro

Buoy Zone - Manage a Course



Jerry Thompson - RC Signaling



iStart - Automatic Race Starter




Chip Till - 2024 SAYRA Race Management Update

US Sailing Q&A - World Sailing case 20

World Sailing case 82

World Sailing case 129


US Sailing Prescription to RRS 34:


After rule 34 add: US Sailing prescribes that, if a finishing mark is missing but another one remains in place, the finishing line is a line through the remaining mark at a 90° angle to the last leg and of the shortest practicable length. If the race committee is absent when a boat finishes, she should at the first reasonable opportunity report to the race committee her finishing time and her position in relation to nearby boats.



Current US Sailing certified SAYRA Race Officers

 Nationwide US Sailing Race Officer Seminars



Scoring Inquiry form - editable


World Sailing race document guidelines:




Regatta Management Organization Tool


SAMPLE Course Diagrams


MS Word


Other Sample Course Diagrams - Sail Canada


Course Calculator (W/L)


Course Calculator (W/L with gates)


2025-2028 World Sailing RRS


2025-2028 US Sailing Prescriptions


Part 5 Destination Guidance



Race Management Presentations

Preparatory and Penalty Flags

Pursuit Race - Best Practices

Race Committee "Lite" Best Practices

Setting the Starting Line

Trapezoid Courses



Support SAYRA Sailors donate to the Helen Hanley Fund today!