Upcoming SAYRA Events
Full Year list CLICK HERE
Chairperson -Warren Collier, warrencollier@gmail.com
Committee Members
Joleen Rasmussen, joleenkrasmussen@gmail.com
Stephanie Taylor, wetagirl937@yahoo.com
Nancy Parson, npparson@gmail.com
The goals of the SAYRA Judges' Committee include:
- Receiving and responding to the recommendations and concerns of sailors.
- Offer training opportunities for SAYRA Judges and Judges in Training.
- Recruit and support Judges in Training.
- Provide resources for judges on the SAYRA Website.
SAYRA Judges' Forum
Click here for information about the quarterly SAYRA Judges' Forum.
Racing Rules of Sailing for Sailors seminar.
Click here for information about the Racing Rules of Sailing for Sailors Seminar
Judge Resources
Click here for a list of useful resources for judges.
SAYRA Judge Listing
Click here for a list of SAYRA judges.
World Sailing Question and Answer Service
Click here for a list of Question and Answer Booklets available for download.