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Racing Rules of Sailing for Sailors


The Racing Rules of Sailing are complicated as they must cover every possible scenario on the race course.  Piling on to this is the fact that sailors are often required to make decisions very quickly on the water. 


The SAYRA Judges' Committee has put together a Racing Rules for Sailors Seminar that can be presented in person or via Zoom.  The seminar has two sessions.  Both sessions can be presented on the same day, but it a lot of information to digest.  We have had success via Zoom presenting Session 1, skipping a day, and then presenting Session 2.


About a week prior to the first session, send the Definitions PDF to participants so that they can spend some time learning and understanding the definitions which are critical for understanding the rules.


Download the Instructor Notes and use them to prepare and present the training.  The Instructor Notes include a detailed explanation of the slides and include references such as World Sailing cases.


The seminar materials are not copyrighted and you are free to use, share, modify, excreta. 


Download the files by clicking on the links below:


Session 1 PowerPoint


Session 2 PowerPoint


Student Handout Session 1


Student handout Session 2


Instructor Notes Session 1


Instructor Notes Session 2


 Please send any corrections or recommendations to trimsails@gmail.com.





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