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Helen Willis Hanley

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Helen Willis Hanley was an active sailor both in the Connecticut and South Carolina areas.  She competed in many U.S. Women’s Championships for the Adams Cup in both regions.  After moving to South Carolina in the mid-forties, she started the Wateree Sailing Club and became its first Commodore in 1962.  During her time as Commodore, she became active in the South Atlantic Yacht Racing Association (SAYRA) and was an active racer throughout the region.  


Since her passing in 1978, SAYRA received a donation from her estate creating the Helen Hanley Memorial Fund (HHMF). SAYRA established a Fund Oversight Committee to manage the Fund’s principal investment, returns, additional contributions and grants.  The Helen Hanley Memorial Fund continues to build a treasure and gains in popularity throughout the years.


 The Fund's purpose is to encourage SAYRA members to:

  1. Participate in US Sailing Regional and National Championship events, 
  2. Conduct and encourage participation in US Sailing Training Programs, especially those directed principally toward the development of the sailing abilities of our youth and the training of youth instructors, and 
  3. Compete at a National Level in the Optimist sailboat. 

This encouragement is expressed by means of financial assistance in the form of a grant to qualified applicants.  Grants are applied for each target area of encouragement by clicking the appropriate link below.


All grants funded by the Helen Hanley Memorial Fund are contingent upon the Committee's evaluation of each application's merit and SAYRA Executive Committee's opinion of the fund's financial condition. 

SAYRA’s volunteers are honored to administer the Helen Hanley Memorial Fund.  We take great pride in its members using grants and, most importantly, their continued contributions to the Fund.


If interested in donating to support SAYRA sailors, please click here.


This is the official site of the SAYRA Helen Hanley Memorial Fund, HHMF.  

Please go in sequence by clicking the links below to Learn about the Fund, check your Eligibility and then

Apply for a Grant!


US Sailing Championships Grants Application CLICK HERE

Optimist Dinghy Stipend Application CLICK HERE

US Sailing Training Scholarship Application CLICK HERE


Don't forget to donate back to the fund when you can, to help others achieve their sailing dreams, too!


Questions - Contact the Grants Committee



Support SAYRA Sailors donate to the Helen Hanley Fund today!