Upcoming SAYRA Events
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In January of 1986, SAYRA established an award to honor individuals who over the years make significant and outstanding contributions in service to the South Atlantic Yacht Racing Association. This award was named for and dedicated to Dr. H. Willard Davis, who for many years was Executive Secretary and Treasurer of SAYRA, representing SAYRA on the YRA Council of the United States Yacht Racing Union, was the Regional Administrative Judge for US SAILING, and is an International Judge Emeritus for US SAILING. He set a shining example of service for all who knew him and followed in his footsteps. Willard Davis brought honor to SAYRA through his judging major regattas throughout the United States; and he has earned the respect and admiration of his peers in the international judging community for his superior knowledge of the racing rules and his calm, compassionate demeanor as he performed his duty as he saw fit.
This award is a fitting tribute to Willard Davis and serves as appropriate recognition and thanks from SAYRA to those individuals who over the years give of themselves in service to the South Atlantic Yacht Racing Association and their fellow yachtsman.
The committee to select the award winner consists of the last five recipients of the award and the commodore and the immediate past two commodores. The chair of the selection committee is the next to the last recipient. The award does not have to be given every year. When the award is given, it will be presented at the Annual General Meeting of SAYRA.
Recipients of the H. WILLARD DAVIS SERVICE AWARD are:
1986 H. Willard Davis - Columbia SC
1987 Staton J. Peele, Jr. - Columbia SC
1988 John A. S. (Jack) Brown - Lake Norman YC
1989 Dr. Hallam Walker - Lake Norman YC
1990 William J. F. Doscher - CYCSC, ChYC, CORA
1991 Donald J. Sweet - Lake Norman YC
1992 Arthur E. Menke and Ruth Creighton - Lake Norman YC
1993 Mason R. Chrisman - CYCSC
1994 Ann Boyd Farmelo - ChYC
1995 John W. "Bud" Sweet - Lake Murray SC
1996 Joseph M. James - Carolina SC NC
1997 John Baker
1998 Harry Jones - CYC SC
1999 John H. Lee, Jr. - Lake Norman YC
2000 Robert K. Creighton, Jr. - CYCNC
2001 Russ Burleson - Lake Murray SC
2002 William B. Ross - Lake Norman YC
2003 Arland Whitesides - CYCNC
2004 Carla Lewis Moore - Columbia SC
2005 Sarah Ashton - ChYC
2006 Bob Bowden - CYCSC at award Lake Norman YC
2007 Dick McGillivray - CYSC, SIYC
2008 Linda Bowden - CYCSC at award Lake Norman YC
2009 John Slater - Lake Norman YC
2010 JC Moore - Columbia SC
2011 Carrie Rohde - Savannah Sailing Center
2012 Hank Goodman - Keowee SC
2013 Ryan Hamm - ChYC, JIYC
2014 Burton and Judy Howell - Savannah Sailing Center
2015 Martine Zurinskas - Lake Lanier SC
2016 Robert and Jane Key -Columbia SC
2017 Treez Decker - Lake Norman YC
2018 JD Rosser - HYC, CORA
2019 Ken Gorni - Lake Norman YC
2020 Dan Machowski - JIYC
2021 Bryce Dryden - Atlanta YC
2022 Jerry Thompson - Carolina Sailing Club
2023 Fran Boyd - Charleston Yacht Club
2024 Joleen Rasmussen - Carolina Sailing Club