2025 Helen Hanley Request - Training Grant Application



  1. All applicants must be pre-approved by the Chairman of the Helen Hanley Fund Committee prior to attending the course. 
  2. Proof of registration must be provided along with a copy of certification of successful completion.
  3. All Applications must (or should) be submitted within 30 days of completing the training event.

What is Covered and their Limits:

  1. Expenses incurred from hosting an organized training session.
    • Member and Associate Member Clubs of SAYRA who host training events supervised by the SAYRA Training Committee may apply for reimbursement of actual out-of-pocket net expenses under this section.
    • The maximum reimbursement will be $5000 in a calendar year. This reimbursement is meant to be supplemental only to help offset any possible financial loss.
    • SAYRA members should get a reduced cost to participate in these clinics.
  2. The Course Fees for: US Sailing Level Training; US Sailing Motorboat Handling Training; and Safety, Rescue, and Support Training.
    • Participants in US Sailing training courses qualify for reimbursement of up to $200 of the early registration course fee
    • Participants must satisfactory complete the course
    • Reimbursement will not be granted if the fee was paid or is payable by the Member Organization.
  3. Attendance at the National Sail Training Symposium
    • Funding up to $500 per person may be provided. 
    • Must be pre-approved and represent SAYRA
    • There will be a maximum of $1500 total for the event. 
Course Information

Attendee Information

$25 family membership, $15 individual membership, $5 junior membership

www.sayra-sailing.com Your support is appreciated. 

Expense Submission

Cost of Course:

Instructor training 50% of total fee.

National Sailing Symposium: Up to $500

Powerboat Course: Up to $150

Please outline the fees to US Sailing paid for the course.


Proof of completion and passing is required to receive funding. 

Questions contact the Grants Committee: helenhanleyfund@gmail.com 

SAYRA Sailing
